这是一只始终保持着神秘色彩的葡萄牙厄运金属乐队Desire,成立12年,虽然只发行过两张正式专辑却也活跃于葡萄牙的地下金属圈子。MCD《Pentacrow》仅仅同样只有《When Sorrow Embraces My Heart》一首新歌,却丝毫不掩盖其出色的创作能力,同样保持了MCD制作粗糙的本色。钝重迟缓,充满戏剧性的全曲,足足可以压抑听者9分钟之久。riff的悲怆婉转、死腔的含血如兽,低述的惨烈邪恶稳步的领导全曲基调稳步爬升,如同上涨的污水缓缓的逼人窒息,死亡的阴影始终笼罩在心头挥之不去。
When Sorrow Embraces My Heart (Movement III)
Ah, sentimento fúnebre! Oh, lutuosa melancolia!
Deusa da negra escuridão do sentimento que me esfria
Celeste e divina é a lembrança, a memória do teu beijo
A arder-me no peito, esse céu amplo de Desejo...
Ah, gloomy feeling! Oh, mournful melancholy!
Godess of black darkness of the sentiment that freezes me
Heavenly and divine is the remembrance, the memory of your kiss
(Oh sorrow, embrace me... in your arms I wish yo die)
Burning in my chest, that wide sky of Desire...
Here, just me and you and my shadowy sadness
With my soul already fed up sighing and moaning
What I want is to take to death
My being overflowing of suffering, perish to suffer
And in deeply sad agony, my eyes ripped off by tears
With wich my soul relieves the pain
Are fainting like the sky at daylight
Oh, what outermost of pain! Oh, what tragic misanthropy!
When sorrow embraces my heart, it dies alone!
True love never dies...
Love is suicide...